Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Summer Tomatoes Still Life

Summer Tomatoes – 8” x 10” Oil on Canvas Panel SOLD

I completed this painting during the summer. It is a particular favorite of mine, as it symbolizes a strong step forward for me in understanding light and shadow and how to paint it. I am going through an early “spring cleaning of my tiny studio” or else I would not post it on Ebay.

I like the bright colors of the yellow squash in the background and the deep red of the tomatoes. The light areas of the tomatoes are generally darker than the dark areas of the squash; this is a subtle but very important distinction when trying to get the right value levels for the painting. Another aspect of this painting that makes me particularly proud, is the shadows of the tomatoes, they were really a rich violet, with blue-green reflected light. I love the lush color and the texture the painting has. I am really looking forward to summer again, as I am planning on planting a few tomato plants…

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