Sunday, July 20, 2008

Still Life of Bright Yellow Lemons

Lemons in a Bowl – 6" x 8" Oil on Canvas Panel SOLD

I find great satisfaction in painting lemons. I love how the shadows go green, sometimes blue and occasionally a violet color will lurk in the shadows. The transition between light into shadow is also a mystery, the end result depends on the light and surrounding colors.

Every painting is a new adventure and fun challenge to solve.


Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

Liz, The painting is a knock-out and I love the new header too! Great looking blog. Also wanted to tell you, I really enjoy your sketching. Carol

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Thanks Carol, I thought it was about time to fix things up a bit! I am glad you like the painting, it was a fun one to work on. Liz

AJ said...

You have a knack for great compositions and color choices!

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

AJ, thanks for the kind words! Compositions are of particular fascination to me, I think it may be some of my architectural education and training influencing me there. As composition of space makes or breaks the success of a design.