Hello dear friends ~
I am heading off to my drawing class taught by Robert Liberace this morning and wanted to share with some links with you.
I figured out how to photograph dark paintings without getting too much glare and reflection, use a polarizer filter. It does not completely eliminate the reflections but is really an improvement from previous methods.
Have a good evening, Liz
Later this afternoon when I started this painting, a constant thought in my mind was to keep the brushstrokes loose. Because the goal was to keep things loose, I paid more attention to value, capturing the value changes in the main shapes, and using color and value to convey the information where it was most important.
This painting was completed on a gessoed masonite panel with some texture on the ground, I think it lends a rustic sensibility, almost folkish in style. Just another aspect of investigation.
The holiday weekend went by so fast; I hope it was a good one for you, your family, and your friends.
I am still focusing some time and thought on how to capture apricots; it is a joy to figuring out how to convey the soft texture and creamy colors. There is still more to learn and gain through experience, but it is pleasant how being creative can fill me up like nothing else can.