Friday, February 13, 2009

Drawing Class

white chalk and charcoal on Strathmore Charcoal Paper

On Fridays I take a drawing class taught by Robert Liberace at the Art League here in Alexandria. Last week was the third class and I completed this drawing. I spent more time on this drawing then ever before. How did I do this? I am not really sure, as I typically get to a point and want to start over...

When I was about to start a new drawing Robert came by and suggested I work some more on it. He gave me some direction on what to look for and I started to apply what he had said, and gained some valuable knowledge for future drawings.

What I learned from this drawing:

} after the big value shapes are placed, check for any areas that need corrections

} correct it right away

} do not let the light values become to light, if all light areas are the same value as the highlights the figure looks flat (this goes for the shadow areas also)

} continue to squint and compare the figure to your drawing

} when you think you are done, turn the drawing upside down and see if anything looks strange, if so turn it right side up and correct it.

Typically I get bored and start a new drawing (this is my way of dealing with not knowing what to do next), but with this drawing when I figured out that I had all my lights one value and no where to go, so to speak, I knocked the light areas down and then I had so much more room to work with. It was a liberating experience.

So my new mantra with drawing will be: There is always room to work, I just need to decide where to give my drawing space to move around in regard to value. Then there will be plenty of opportunities to explore drawing variations and results.


Paula Villanova said...

Wow, this is beautiful. Looks like this class is very beneficial...perhaps I will start going to one in my area..I need the focus I think...Nice work.

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

Very nice, Elizabeth. You can be really proud of this one.

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Hi Paula, Yes, this class has been amazing. I am really enjoying the opportunity of learning more about academic drawing.

Good luck in finding a class in your area.

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Thanks Carol, I really enjoyed drawing and working on this one.

Jennifer Bellinger said...

Your perseverance rewarded you with a beautiful drawing! Isn't it wonderful when we hit that wall, then really take the time to analize and see what to do next? Sometimes when I loose interest it is just because I'm lazy or my brain is tired from really "seeing" what is before me.

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Hi Jennifer, the wall is sometimes a good thing but I totally understand walking away at times. I typically start a new drawing or painting, or something like that... This was my first to work through the "wall".

Rhonda Hurwitz said...

thank you for detailing your thought figure drawing class is tomorrow and I am anxious to try your suggestion!

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

You are welcome Rhonda. I am finding that I retain more of what I am learning by writing it down, and blogs area a great place to share thoughts and insight.