Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Zinnias & Saying Hello

this 6" x 4 " painting is on its way to a new home


Are you finding your stride now that we are near the middle of September? I always find September to be a hectic month, mentally and physically because in all areas of life things seem to be revving up in anticipation to the holiday season.

September is also a special month to me because it was in September six years ago that I took my first oil painting class and five years ago that I began this blog.

Next week I am planning some special blog posts and I will be sending out a special offer to those who subscribe to my email updates. So if you are interested in receiving this special edition of my monthly studio news, please consider signing up.

Thank you truly for your support and encouragement all these years,



MJH Design Arts said...

Hi Liz,
I woke this morning to my painting and smiled. Thank you so much.

Woodside Park said...

Dear Liz -
Happy Anniversary month! I am catching up from being all your new paintings!

Sherry Schmidt said...

Love your color combination!